Pavel Durov's Telegram is more than a messaging app. Since its launch in 2013, the app has upgraded from being a messaging app to an entertainment and news platform. Adding to it being a spot for entertainment and news, Telegram has become a well known platform in the world of Web3 and Blockchain Technology (Let's say Crypto in a lay man's understanding).
In this post however, we are going to learn how to easily create, run and manage a telegram channel, using easy steps and guides. Discover full detail as you read on.
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A Telegram channel is a broadcast feature that allows administrators to share messages, media, and files with an unlimited number of subscribers, typically used for information dissemination, content sharing, community building, and marketing.
The above definition gives a straightforward answer to what a telegram channel is. Having known what a telegram channel is, let's get to know things to consider before creating a telegram channel.
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Before you take the step to create a telegram channel, there are a few things you need to note down for the growth and improvement of your telegram channel. See them below.
– NICHE: This simply means choosing a particular topic or area of interest. Choosing a niche helps organise your channel and let your audience have a better understanding of what your channel is all about.
Examples of niche ideas are movie channels,Tech, News and entertainment, video games, crypto updates, business etc. Take note, that whichever niche you choose, should be targeted towards the right audience (this is when you want to promote your channel).
– CHANNEL NAME: A channel name makes your channel unique and differentiates you from others. Making up a channel name for yourself shouldn't be a hassle. It could be a word or words related to your niche or even your name. The point is, let it be unique and stand out.
Having done the aforementioned, we now get to learn how to create a telegram channel below.
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Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a Telegram channel:
STEP 1: GET TELEGRAM: First, make sure you have Telegram installed on your device. If not, download it from the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).
STEP 2: CREATE AN ACCOUNT: If you're new to Telegram, sign up with your phone number. Follow the prompts to verify your number and create a username.
STEP 3: TAP THE ICON: Open Telegram and tap the icon (three horizontal lines or a pencil) in the Top-right or bottom corner.
STEP 4: CHOOSE "NEW CHANNEL": Select "New Channel" from the menu.
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STEP 5: CHANNEL TYPE: Decide on your channel type:
- Public (anyone can find and join)
- Private (invite-only)
- Group (limited members, two-way communication).
Choose a unique and descriptive name for your channel. As stated above, it should be unique and easy to remember. Better still, it should have a relation to your chosen niche.
Upload a profile picture that represents your channel. This can be a logo, or anything that relates to your channel. I do recommend a logo because it makes your channel a brand at the same time.
Write a brief description of your channel. It should be straight to the point and give detailed information of what your channel is all about.
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Add administrators to help manage your channel. This can be your friends, work colleagues etc. This is optional and can be done anytime at all, not necessarily part of channel creation.
STEP 10: You're Done, Congratulations. Your Telegram channel is now live.
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Now that you are done creating your channel, it's time you manage, operate and grow your channel to reach a wider audience. I took my time to bring out the best practices in managing your telegram channel. See them below:
1. Posting Engaging Content: The purpose of creating a telegram channel is to post and share what you have passion about or what you want the world to know etc. Making sure your telegram channel offers quality content at all times should be your top priority. This is up to you.
2. Engaging With Audience/Subscribers: Having interactive sessions with your channel's subscribers helps you know what to offer them at all times. This can be done by creating a chat group where everyone can have a say and make their comments etc.
3. Promoting Your Channel: You have successfully created a telegram channel, now you need an audience. Getting an audience or subscribers was never easy at first, no matter the industry, but with time it gets better. You can promote your telegram channel to get more subscribers by:
1. Social Media Cross-Promotion
2. Channel Invite Links
3. Collaborate with Other Channels
4. Run Contests and Giveaways
5. Paid Advertising (Google, Facebook)
6. Influencer Partnerships
7. Optimise Channel Description
8. Relevant Hashtags
9. Share Channel on Forums and Groups
10. Content Sharing Sites (Reddit, Quora)
11. Email Marketing
12. Referral Programs
13. Channel Listings (Telegram directories)
14. Blog or Website Integration
15. YouTube and Video Promotions
16. Consistent Posting
You can read my post on How To Promote And Grow A Telegram Channel.
Lastly, keeping up with trends in your industry/niche helps keep your channel atop others.
Creating a Telegram channel is easier than you thought, right? With these simple steps and promotion tips, you're all set to share your ideas, connect with like-minded folks, and grow your community.
I'm happy you have learnt a thing or two on how to create and manage a telegram channel thanks to this post. Thank you for reading, see you in my next post.