How To Make Good Use Of The Internet As A Nigerian Student

The internet has really shaped the way we live life in this current age/world. From social media platforms, to news and information websites and many more forms of the Internet, it has become a vital aspect of our daily life. 

Regardless of how wonderful the Internet is, it has its good and bad sides. The way you use it also may be good or bad. Normally, we all are expected to keep a good energy right? Yeah right. 

I decided to jump on this topic by myself, without doing keyword research to satisfy readers search intent, with the aim of educating Nigerian Students on the good use of the Internet. How the Internet can be a very useful tool in aiding their educational journey. Stay with me as I discuss different areas where we can make the Internet a useful tool for ourselves, particularly Nigerian students. 

How to make good use of the Internet as a Nigerian student
A student studying 
Photo credit: Unsplash 


The internet is a vast, global network of interconnected computers and servers that communicate with each other using standardised protocols (I'm sure you are familiar with this definition). It's a platform that enables information sharing, communication, and connectivity between individuals, organisations, and devices across the world.

Imagine a massive, virtual library where you can access and share information, ideas, and resources instantly. The internet is like a giant, magical bookshelf that's constantly growing and evolving, with new content and connections being added every second.

READ ALSO: How To Create An Account On Jumia

At its core, the internet is about:

- Connecting people and devices worldwide. 

- Facilitating communication and information exchange. 

- Providing access to vast amounts1.of knowledge and resources. 

- Enabling global commerce, education, and innovation. 

- Fostering community, collaboration, and creativity. 

In essence, the internet is a powerful tool that has revolutionised the way we live, work, learn, and interact with each other. Its impact is immeasurable, and its potential is still unfolding. It keeps getting better. 


1. ONLINE LEARNING: Learning online is like having the world's best teachers and resources at your fingertips. Imagine being able to tap into the knowledge and expertise of top institutions and experts from anywhere in the world, at any time. That's what online learning offers - a flexible and accessible way to learn new skills, explore new interests, and pursue your passions.

But online learning is more than just a convenient way to get an education. It's also a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. With online courses, degree programs, and communities, you can connect with like-minded learners, get feedback from instructors, and develop the skills and confidence you need to succeed. Plus, you can learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever works best for you.

So why not give online learning a try? Whether you're looking to upskill, reskill, or simply explore new interests, online learning can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. And who knows - you might just discover a new passion or talent along the way.

2. NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION: Connecting with others who share your passions and interests is one of the most powerful things you can do online. Networking and collaboration can lead to amazing opportunities, valuable friendships, and a sense of belonging to a community that gets you. Whether you're a student, professional, or entrepreneur, the internet can help you find your tribe and work together to achieve great things.

Think about it - with just a few clicks, you can join forces with people from all over the world who share your interests and goals. You can brainstorm ideas, share resources, and support each other through thick and thin. And with tools like Slack, Trello, and Google Workspace, it's easier than ever to collaborate and communicate with your team, no matter where you are in the world.

So don't be afraid to reach out, connect, and collaborate with others online. You never know who you might meet, what ideas you might spark, or what amazing things you might achieve together. The internet can be a powerful tool for connection and community. 

3. ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES: Starting your own business can be a thrilling adventure, and the internet has made it easier than ever to turn your ideas into reality. With just a few clicks, you can set up an online store, reach customers all over the world, and access resources that'll help you grow. Whether you're passionate about selling products, sharing your expertise, or creating something entirely new, the internet is your playground.

But here's the best part: you don't have to do it alone. The internet is full of communities, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs who are cheering you on and ready to lend a hand. You can connect with them through social media, online forums, and even virtual coffee breaks. And when you need a boost, there are countless resources available - from online courses to funding opportunities - to help you take your business to the next level.

How to make good use of the Internet
A female student studying 
Photo credit: Unsplash

4. MAKING MONEY ONLINE LEGITIMATELY: Yes, you also can make legitimate income from the Internet, using just your smartphone, laptop and an Internet connection, together with any online skill you learnt. 

In today's world, there are many skills on the Internet that you can learn and earn later on from, if you dedicate time to acquire knowledge and apply patience with hard work. Skills like Content Creating (Visual and Written), Affiliate Marketing, Crypto Trading, Drop Shipping and many more, pay very well if you put in the work. 

To know more on this aspect, kindly read my post on how Nigerian Students can make money online for themselves using certain online skills, which I put together. 

5. BUILDING YOUR PORTFOLIO AHEAD OF TIME: I know a lot of people don't know this, but the Internet can help build your portfolio, not just physical experiences alone. 

Now take for example, a Computer Science student with a vast knowledge in Computer related fields, with good history of works in aspects like Programming, Graphic Design, Animation etc has started building up his portfolio and work experience before graduating from school. 

You also, regardless the Industry or discipline in which you are studying, can use the Internet to build up your reputation, with facts, history of work and more. 


1. The internet is broad and is enough for anyone who wants to make use of it to his or her desires. However, it should be used responsibly, especially as students/young ones that we are (yes I'm a student also). 

2. There are many useful outcomes from using the Internet in the right way, which I highlighted above. Be it money making, connecting with like minds, making use of information available on the Internet to aid your studies, the bottom point is making good use of it to the fullest. Etc. 


Finally, with the points explained above, we all can now see how helpful the Internet can be. We all should not stop at scrolling through social media apps, making meaningless post alone. 

It's OK to joke around (I do that also) but at the same time, tap goodness from what the Internet has to offer and make the very best out of it. Thanks for reading this post, I hope you are enlightened. See you again in one of my informative posts. 

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